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March 6, 2022

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled

is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12.

Delays disappoint and discouragement weighs you down, but when you finally receive what you hoped for there is renewed strength and purpose and joy!

We are happy and grateful and ready to move forward on a new adventure with ya'll. After our first dinner, seven years ago, we knew that more land was needed to create the impact we desired in both farming and community.

There will be lots to share as we ready the place for guests this season. The large estate provides so many new experiences and opportunities to learn and we are finally able to bring together our team who each share a passion for land and lives and their connection one to another.

Locavore's five-acre homestead remains an integral part of our expanded operation. We can't wait to share the news about this space. And, more land. Yes. Not kidding! Prepare for Locavore's agrarian epi-center rooted in transformative agriculture where learning opportunities and cultural experiences and events abound. Our story is our calling to restore the connection of people, one to another through how food is nurtured and shared.

Faith that moves forward triumphs!

Until next week,

Rachael Jones


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